Impact & Financial Report 2023-2024

Our team
In our 62nd year, our Squared team continue to be proud of the work we do. For over 60 years we’ve provided housing, support and most importantly opportunity for local people in need. We’re passionate about what we do and how we do it, knowing that the impact of our work can be felt in the lives of our customers for years to come. Click below to see what our team members enjoy about working at Squared.

Meet our board
Tap on a member below to read their bio.

Glyn Early
Chair of the Board

David Cheesman

Mostaque Koyes MBE

Iain Smith

Jo Simcox

We offer a range of accommodation at Squared, including Homes for Independent Living and Homes with Support. We also work closely with private landlords to enable us to offer more homes for those that need them.
We provide
756 homes
across Luton and Central Bedfordshire.

Homes for independent living
357 properties are Squared owned independent homes.
28 flats for our sheltered scheme for over 55s.
15 new tenancies created this year.

Accommodation leased through the private sector
112 Private Sector scheme properties which were formerly Luton Lets Squared (LLS) (105 are owned by landlords).
23 Temporary accommodation scheme homes (15 are owned by landlords).
Squared owns 11 properties over these two schemes for private and temporary accommodation.
3 customers transferred from our Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs) to independent living.
4 internal transfers.

112 agreements made to sustain tenancies.
3 referrals to Time to Talk internal therapy service.
1 customer supported from our welfare fund.
1 mutual exchange.
4 new Luton Borough Council (LBC) temporary accommodation tenancies.
5 LBC nominations into private leased tenancies.
85% planned visits completed on schedule in private sector homes.
3 anti-social behaviour cases reported.

Following the ending of Luton LETS Squared (joint venture with Luton Borough Council) on 31st July 2023, we continue to work independently with local landlords to offer managed leased properties to our community.

Homes with Support – Hostels
69 supported single occupancy rooms available.
448 referrals received.
172 total number of customers accommodated this year.
55 new customers supported.
42 positive planned move ons.
View Early House pictures

Our Customers

Homes with Support – Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)
140 supported single occupancy rooms available.
425 referrals received.
138 customers have move in (inc. internal moves).
4 customers supported into employment & also private rented accommodation.
2 customers supported with relocations nearer family in London.
30 refugees supported.

Property Services
We invested over
in our homes this year...

Our investment included:
350 vacant properties were refurbished ready for new tenancies.
43 heating upgrades.
21 bathroom replacements.
17 kitchen replacements.
7 roof refurbishments.
15 electrical upgrades.
3 substantial structural repairs such as French drains to alleviate damp and mould.
45 window or door upgrades.

Improving our service
to you.

What we’ve learnt from you.

We have recognised key aspects of our services which are a cause for some dissatisfaction, learning from this feedback to resolve these where we can, to ensure our services are improved and in turn our customers feel happier.

Our complaints performance
We view complaints and any other feedback, including comments and compliments, as a valuable opportunity to learn, improve our service delivery and team member development, as well as to communicate with our customers more effectively. Complaints give us an opportunity to put things right for our customers in a fair and reasonable way.
As a member of the Housing Ombudsman Scheme, we follow the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code and assess our complaints handling performance annually against this. Our annual complaints performance and service improvement report 2023-24 includes details on the number and types of complaints we received and handled. The report also includes our complaints handling self-assessment.
Visit our complaints handling page to view the report and self-assessment.

Summary of the number and types of complaints we handled including the issues raised by our customers.
We received 25 complaints during 2023-2024. On average complaints were resolved within 19 days.

According to our Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs), an annual survey across our customers, four out of ten residents who made a complaint in the last 12 months were satisfied with our handling of their complaint (40%).

Some of the key changes made since our last complaints annual report are:
- We have reviewed our Complaints Policy and Procedure to ensure it reflects the Housing Ombudsman Code.
- The appointment of, Jo Simcox, as Board member lead responsible for complaints to support a positive complaint handling culture.
- Review of our in-house complaints system.
- E-learning and delivery of in-house training to all team members on the practical application of effective complaint handling.

We are continually learning at Squared, the following provides a summary of our learning and service improvements we propose to implement to improve our complaints process.

Kierson Benfield
A word from our CEO.
I was delighted to accept the role of Chief Executive at Squared, from April 2024. I am passionate about providing good quality, affordable accommodation for those in need, especially as Luton is my hometown. I am looking forward to continuing to work with our Leadership Team and dedicated team members to continue to deliver the excellent services our customers rightly deserve.